How to Cope with Anxiety and Depression in Quarantine

Justine Rodes
5 min readMay 17, 2020


Here are 7 tips on how to cope during quarantine

During these tough times — we are ordered to stay home to help slow down the spread of COVID-19. If you are under the age of 90, you most likely have never experienced something like this. We live in a day in age where we have access to an endless amount of content to stream (Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, etc)and games to play (Nintendo Switch). We have the ability to still see friends and families through services such as FaceTime, Zoom, Facebook Messenger, and House Party, and let’s not forget the rise of the most downloaded app in 2019, Tik Tok. You may think that with all we have access to that we can get through this in a breeze — that is not the case for someone who already deals with severe anxiety and depression. Let’s talk about ways to help cope with mental illness during these dark times.


Staying connected with your family and friends is necessary for your mental health — don’t let this quarantine destroy your social life. Check-in with your family and friends to assure that they are healthy and safe during these times. It is scary enough that we can not predict when this will be all over, but thankfully we can always do a daily check-in with friends and family on FaceTime or a simple text message.


Is there a hobby that you are itching to start, but did not have the time because the reality of life took over your free time — this is your chance! During this quarantine, you will have nothing but time! Every human has a passion for something whether it is making music, writing, cooking, working out, knitting — you name it! Starting your hobby can be fun and life-changing — this will keep your mind off the scary outside world. Having a difficult time figuring out what hobby you want to start?

Here is a tip! [ I recommend taking a trip down memory lane. During high school, we were required to choose electives to discover our interests outside of academics. What classes did you take?]


Of course, we want to keep up with the news to be informed, but too much negativity is going to feed into your anxiety and depression. I know this may be hard since all your friends and family are sharing articles on Facebook and you may think that it is impossible to avoid the news — this is where you are wrong. On Facebook, you can actually hide a user’s post for 30 days.


Tik Tok is a social media platform where users can create 15 to 60-second videos. This platform is filled with creators creating comedy and fun dances. I personally go to this platform for some laughs. Laughing is the best medicine for anxiety and depression — so give Tik Tok a chance — who knows, maybe you’ll become Tik Tok famous!


When the government says to stay home, they do not mean to lock your doors and don’t come out until the virus is gone. Every human needs sunlight and some fresh air. You are allowed to go on walks! Daily walks are extremely important. I also recommend going for a drive. There have been many false facts about the coronavirus. YOU CAN NOT GET THE VIRUS BY BREATHING IN AIR. The virus is not airborne.


Almost all of the video streaming services have old shows to watch. If you are a millennial like me, you will enjoy many of the old Nick television shows on Netflix. Disney Plus came out with old TV shows from the early 2000s and let’s not forget traditional Disney movies. The reason I encourage you to watch old TV shows is that it gives you a feeling of nostalgia. At one point we were kids and as kids, we didn’t have the type of stress we deal with in our adulthood. Watching these shows can trick your mind into remembering those times which may bring you comfort.


It is very easy for your mind to have scary thoughts during these times.

The typical advice would be to learn to control your thoughts — this is easier said than done. My advice to you would be to replace these negative thoughts with positive thoughts. If you are struggling to be positive, think of something as simple as a color. Think of colors such as blue, green, lavender, and yellow. These colors represent positive things in life such as nature, calm, and happiness.


[Disclaimer: if you are not spiritual, you can skip this section]

I, myself personally have a relationship with God. I believe that there is a God and he will protect us from the virus. Also, I do believe that everything happens for a reason and to trust that God knows what he is doing. The stronger the relationship you have with God, the more comfortable you will have to know that you have someone watching over you. Fear is always going to be the pit of anxiety so if you are able to get rid of fear, you are golden!

I am going to leave you with this. You will not be in quarantine forever. This is something that will past. I know it is dreadful to not know when it will end, but it will end. We are all in the same boat and we can get through this together. This is the time to realize that we are all equal as a human race. Anyone can get the virus, it doesn’t matter if you are famous or have money and power. This is the time to practice gratitude. We are all in this together!



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