Finding Your People by Using Niche Social Media Platforms

Justine Rodes
3 min readMay 28, 2020


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Let’s face it. It is more difficult now than ever to find people with a similar mindset than you with the existence of oversaturated social media platforms that we have today. Yes, we have an algorithm that is supposed to learn our behavior; however, it has failed us.

Small creators and businesses are the modern-day “starving artist.” It is challenging to build an audience in the internet world that favors the already big creators who bring in the marketing dollars. Small creators and businesses bring value but aren’t given the equal opportunity to be exposed to a bigger audience.

This is when utilizing a niche platform can be the best and most effective way to grow organically.

Meetup Logo

Using Meetup as a Marketing Strategy Tool

Meetup accumulated 44 million members online with 84 thousand running every week. This website/app is a great tool for someone who wants to meet like-minded people, learn from others at events, or even host events to help grow their brand.

There are hundreds of Instagram pages out there that focus on Disney Parks. It, itself is considered its own niche. There have been meet-up events at locations such as the Magic Kingdom and Disney Springs. These events have allowed all Disney and social media lovers to get together to network and build their audience.

Meetup would be the ideal tool to use to help organize an event and implement it into a social media strategy.

Dayflash: The Newest Niche Platform

Dayflash is a niche-focused platform, unlike Instagram and Facebook, the platform is for people who have a love for photography, modeling, and videography. Dayflash is a good tool to use to help grow organically and drive traffic to other social media platforms such as Instagram.

This platform discourages the use of hashtags, instead, they have this section in your profile settings called profile tags.

Profile tags are considered your permanent hashtags. Using profile tags to describe who you are and what type of work you produce is more effective than using different hashtags for every photo. The algorithm works with the profile tags you choose to help push you in front of an audience that will have an interest in your content.

Dayflash created collaboration tools that make it easier for creators to meet and work together. Sometimes it can be intimidating to reach out to other brands and creators by direct messaging with a long paragraph about why we should collaborate so Dayflash made is more relax, by giving the users the ability to go to someone’s page to tap like if interested in a collaboration.

Using Meetup as an opportunity to build relationships in person with like-minded people is powerful and beneficial because it is a chance to create a loyal friendship/partnership to learn from each other and grow together.

Dayflash’s sole purpose is to change the photo-sharing game, by giving a platform to the “starving artist” to connect and build their network.



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